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Friday, March 23, 2007

Interview Me Meme

This piqued my interest the other day.

The Rules: Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate! You WILL update your journal/bloggy thing/whatever with the answers to the questions.You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Questions courtesy of:

1. What was the happiest time of your life so far and why?
Very hard to answer. I find myself actually wondering sometimes if I've ever been truelly happy. What is happiness? Is it the elation of winning a sporting event? The satisfaction from passing a test? The pride in seeing one's child succeed? Is it completely not worrying about anything? Can I get off the couch now? Seriously, I'm most content sitting in my backyard enjoying the company of my wife, a bottle of red wine and a good cigar. This would be because I think I am basically a good person who tries to make the lives of the ones I love and even a few strangers better. Does this count?

2. What is your honest opinion of your parents?
Back on the couch. This is a very provocative question, which I'm sure would garner different answers at different points in my life. Right now, I feel lucky to still have both parents. I've grown to understand the issues of parent hood thanks to my own offspring and can now appreciate all that was done for me and all they put up with. Was it perfect? Hell no! But in my family dynamic you learned to take what was available and deal with it. A lesson the current generation certainly could stand to learn.

3. Do you think we are in for global warming or not?
Funny (not as funny as much as coincidence) we were just discussing this at work. I think the planet has been on a warming trend since the end of the ice age. I think there are things we can and should do to minimize what we do to this planet. I think man is just arrogant enough to think that we caused it and we can fix it. I think (unfortunatley) in the future we are doomed to a nulcear winter which would put a halt to the warming trend.

4. What are your favourite films (stop at fifty, for God's sake)?
I'll not bore anymore with a long list, here's a few in no particular order.
Raging Bull
Young Frankenstein
Gangs of New York
Good Fellas
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
5. Do you have any special talents or aptitudes (honesty not modesty required here)? Unfortunately not, I seem to be burdened with more potential than actual talent. Maybe I just haven't found the right outlet or motivation. In the words of the immortal Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) "I'm geared towards the average rather than the exceptional"

Will interview for food.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for joining in!

Terri said...

OK... I'm game. Interview me...

mcmanimal said...

Sorry this has taken so long to respond. Primarily, I'm not used to getting much traffic on this site and with work and such I haven't been blogging that much. Here are your questions:

1.) Do you have a list of things you'd like to do before you die, if yes, list 3 that you will realistically accomplish, if not why not?

2.) Name the top 3 most influential people in your life and describe how this influence has changed/shaped you.

3.) A little bit country or a little bit rock 'n roll?

4.) Do you like to cook?

5.) On the spectrum of athiest, agnostic, believer or evangelist, where do you fit and why?